Latest News & Press Releases

Latest News & Press Releases

Funding crisis in Dental Schools: Irish Dental Association calls for cap on non-EEA students to 20%

Only half of all dental student places offered to school leavers from Ireland or EEA countries despite the shortage of dentists in Ireland

IDA responds to additional HSE budget funding

We urge Minister Donnelly and HSE CEO, Bernard Gloster, to immediately implement a recruitment strategy which would improve the current employment levels in the public dental service and help reduce waiting lists among public patients. Irish dental patients are suffering the consequences of the wilful neglect of our public dental service which has seen a 23% decline in staffing levels versus a 20 to 50% increase in all other areas of our health service such as nursing, admin and doctor staffing levels.

Strong Focus on Dentistry in Special Dail Debate but What Next?

Yesterday's (22nd May 2024) debate in the Dail on the Private Members' motion on dentistry from the Social Democrats featured contributions from over 20 TDs from all political parties and groupings. We wish to thank Deputy Roisin Shortall and the Social Democrats for proposing the motion and the many other deputies who contributed to the debate.

Lengthy Dental Debate at Oireachtas Health Committee

The Oireachtas Health Committee covered a wide range of issues facing dental care in Ireland on May 1st 2024. IDA representatives, along with members of the Dental Council, spoke at length, highlighting a number of critical issues. The hearing was dominated by discussion on the lack of legislation to protect patients; the problems with the school screening service and the medical card scheme, and; the lack of a statutory competence assurance scheme for dentists, amongst others.

Latest figures show over 100,000 children denied school screening dental appointments in 2023 as crisis worsens

The Irish Dental Association Annual Conference hears only 50% of eligible schoolchildren were screened by dentists last year.

IDA AGM Signals Busy Year Ahead Serving our Members

Engaging with members is a top priority for new President, Dr Rory Boyd, who took over as President of the Association from Dr Eamon Croke at the AGM which took place in the RCSI last Thursday.

Dr Rory Boyd appointed President of the Irish Dental Association

The Irish Dental Association has today (18th April 2024) announced that Dr Rory Boyd has been appointed as its new President.

IDA members vote to accept the Public Service Pay Agreement

IDA members employed in the HSE and the Cork and Dublin dental schools have voted to accept the new public service pay agreement. The Association had recommended acceptance of the agreement.

Five years since the launch of the Government’s ‘Smile & Sláinte’ oral health policy and barely anything has been achieved - Irish Dental Association

World Oral Health Day: IDA Launches Position Paper and Roadmap for Radical Change in Oral Healthcare in Ireland to Meet WHO Targets

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