Latest News & Press Releases

Latest News & Press Releases

Dentists say new oral health policy has ignored the key role schools can play in oral health education

New President of IDA calls on Departments of Health and Education to work together on an integrated programme. “Many schools still rely on a ‘sweet treat’ culture and need to switch to non-food rewards”.

Social story for children with autism

Social story for children with autism
Although eight out of ten Irish adults qualify for a free annual check up and subsidised cleaning either through the Medical Card or PRSI scheme, hundreds of thousands fail to avail of the benefit.

2018 Annual Reports of the IDA and IDU

The Annual General Meetings of the Irish Dental Union and Irish Dental Association Ltd will commence at 6pm on Thursday 4th of April 2019 in the Galmont Hotel, Galway.

IDU / IDA General Meetings 2019

The Annual General Meetings of the Irish Dental Union and Irish Dental Association Ltd will commence at 6pm on Thursday 4th of April 2019 in the Galmont Hotel, Galway.

Dentists say Valentine’s Day a timely reminder to avail of free annual dental check-up

Dentists are urging people who haven’t availed of their free annual dental check-up to do so in advance of Valentines Day to ensure their oral health is in top shape ahead of the annual celebration of romance.

Department of Health's new oral health strategy is doomed to failure without new relationship

Dental decay the most common reason for children to have a general anaesthetic Irish Dental Association describes Department of Health's lack of engagement on new National Oral Health Policy as "inexplicable, unwise and objectionable"

Mouth Cancer Awareness Day 2018

Dentists are partnering with the Irish Men’s Shed Association to increase awareness of the ‘silent killer’ by giving presentations to Men’s Sheds around the country. “The recession saved my life” one former cancer sufferer tells his story Two people die every week from mouth cancer

Dental Complaints Resolution Service Annual Report 2017

Thursday 30th August 2018. The Dental Complaints Resolution Service has issued its sixth annual report in which it gives details of the 128 complaints it dealt with in 2017.

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