The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Irish Dental Association will commence at 7pm on Thursday 18th of April, 2024 in the Albert Theatre, RCSI, Dublin.
The AGM will transact, inter alia, the following ordinary business of the Association:
- to receive and consider the Audited Accounts for the year ended 31 December, 2023;
- to propose the appointment of auditors to hold office until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting at which accounts are laid;
- to authorise the directors to fix the remuneration of the auditors;
Motions for consideration at the AGM must be submitted on / before Thursday, 14th of March 2024. Proposed resolutions will then be considered by the Association's Motions Committee.
Forms for motions and / or rule changes for the Irish Dental Association (IDA) AGM are available on request.
The proposer and seconder of each motion must be a current paid-up member of the Association. In the case of proposed rule changes, the signatures of fifteen active members will be required. Guidance on how to prepare a motion is available on request.
The Association is also inviting nominations for:
- Honorary Treasurer (Designate) - A nomination form can be is provided on request
- Elected member of the Council (three vacant positions) - A nomination form can be provided on request
The deadline for receipt of nominations is Thursday, 14th of March 2024. The proposer and seconder of nominees, as well as the nominee, must be a current paid-up member of the Association.
The AGM agenda and financial statements for the meeting will be forwarded to members in due course.