Latest IDA Newsletter for Members

Latest IDA Newsletter for Members

(05 Jul 2022)

Don't forget to check out the latest edition of our IDA's e-newsletter that is sent to all members every Monday.

The latest edition includes the following topics:

  • IDA members have strongly endorsed calls for a reform of the Med 2 tax relief scheme as a key to improving access to dental care.
  • Dentists seeking to re-join the DTSS (medical card) scheme will have to submit to HSE inspections of their dental practices.
  • Refugee dentists from the Ukraine and elsewhere applying for registration will likely be waiting approximately 4-6 weeks for a decision by the Dental Council to be made on their application. 
  • Opposition TDs have slammed the delay on the part of the Department of Health in starting talks with the IDA on a new scheme to replace the DTSS as the Minister’s deadline for starting talks passed last Thursday.


To view previous editions of the newsletter click here.